We want to create the most engaging & inclusive virtual spaces on the market.

So we’re building tools & products
to empower anyone
to create anything for

Created and refined over years of product development, KERNL empowers anyone to create high quality, scalable virtual environments.

Whether you want to create from scratch, controlling every aspect of your experience, or simply launch a world straight out-of-the-box, KERNL can power any experience.

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Early access

Creator access to the KERNL platform is currently by invitation only.

If you would like us to let you know when the creator platform is live then please sign up for more information.

Empowering cultural institutions, museums and galleries since 2020.

Curatours provides up close, personal access to cultural exhibitions within the safety (and convenience) of your own virtual space.

Designed from the ground up to be as accessible to as many audiences as possible, the platform can be enjoyed via smartphones, web browsers or VR. unlocking real-world content that may have previously been out of reach.

Learn more